Friday, July 13, 2012

Missed a wedding

In real life I'm a professional photographer and have dreams all the time that I'm trying to take a picture and while I'm pressing the shutter button nothing happens, but this dream was on a different level.

I was walking with a group of people through the streets of what seemed like Haverhill.  I definitely knew some of the people.  I think my parents were there but there were also people I didn't know including a gay couple who's wedding I was supposed to be photographing.  We were walking through neighborhoods on our way to the ceremony site.  I didn't know anything about the wedding or where it was so I was following them closely.  We eventually went by some houses with a lot of activity.  There were hundreds of people in and out of a mansion type house partying like crazy.  I kind of got caught up in it all.  I saw some of the group we were with sit down and have a snack so it seemed like I had some time to look around.  I ended up talking to someone who was at the party and was asking what was going on.  She told me but I can't remember what she said.  Eventually I realized I should really look for the group and I couldn't find them!  I started to panic!  I ran down a hill to the road and still couldn't see them ahead of me.  I continued running down the road hoping I would catch up around a bend.  After a while I realized I had to stop and try to make a phone call.  I pulled out my iphone and it was all messed up!  I couldn't find the buttons I needed to make a phone call.  It was like the phone had a virus that had taken over.  I ended up going into a building but I can't remember what I did in there.  I came back out and tried to use my phone again but this time it was in the shape of a drinking glass.  I was horrified!  I ended up in a little alcove area where these toys were.  I think the toys represented bad apps that had gotten on my phone and I had to separate out the bad ones.  They were along the lines of legos.  I was so frustrated that it was taking so long and that I had to jump through so many hoops just to make a phone call.  I took a break and looked across the street where there was a church.  A second later a gay couple (one dressed in feathers and sequins) came bursting out of the doors screaming "I'M SO MAD AT HER!!!  I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE WASN'T THERE!!!  WE NEED TO CALL HER!!!
I jumped up to run to them, I was hysterically crying and attempted to profusely apologize but I woke up because I was so distraught.